Effective Speech Therapy for Kids: Enhancing Communication and Confidence


Speech refers to the accurate production of sounds. Young children between ages one to three may simplify words, such as “na na” for banana” or “tat” for “cat.” Up to age 3, these are appropriate productions.

All children make predictable pronunciation errors when learning to speak. A child will generally have speech that is normally clear:

Children who have unclear speech may be at risk of an articulation or phonological delay. It is important to seek advice as phonological disorders can affect children's abilities to learn reading or spelling.

Speech Sound Disorders

1. Articulation and Phonological Delays

An articulation delay or disorder occurs when your child has trouble physically producing a sound or sounds.

Children typically learn to produce different speech sounds gradually. To track your child's progress and gain insights into your child's speech development journey, this chart below showcases the typical acquisition timeline for various consonant sounds.

A phonological delay occurs when your child makes predictable patterns of speech sound errors. For example, “tar” for car, “gog” as dog, “wed” as red or “tar” as star.

Disclaimer: Age of elimination can vary widely among individuals. This is not a complete list of ALL phonological processes but is some of the most common ones seen among children.

Signs To Look For

Common Speech Problems That Impact Speech Clarity Include: 

Treatment For Articulation and Phonological Disorders

The following treatment options are available for children and adolescents at The Speech Practice:

Early intervention plays a crucial role in helping children overcome these challenges and establish a strong foundation for future reading and spelling skills. We aim to create a nurturing environment where children feel comfortable and encouraged; and to achieve their fullest potential towards clear and confident communication.

2. Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)

Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a neurological speech sound disorder where children have difficulties planning the sequence of movements (i.e. their lips, tongue, and jaw) to produce speech sounds. Children will not outgrow the disorder.

Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is also known as:

Sometimes, CAS is accompanied by oral apraxia. Oral dyspraxia occurs when the child has difficulty doing oral movements on command. For example, a child can lick a lollipop but cannot stick out their tongue when commanded.

Signs of Childhood Apraxia of Speech:

Treatment for Childhood Apraxia of Speech


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